There are really just two basic types, knob and pull. Knobs are self-explanatory, but pulls can be further broken down into bail pulls, pitcher pulls, and cup pulls. No wonder it gets confusing quickly!
Bail and cup pulls are intended to be used on drawers, and pitcher pulls on doors. This is due strictly to the shape of the hardware. Some pulls are symmetrical, and can be used both horizontally and vertically.
The next decision will be the finish. Finish doesn’t stop at color, but also whether it’s brushed, satin, polished, antiqued, etc. The sheen (polished vs. satin vs. brushed) is as important, if not more so, than the color. Brushed nickel knobs and a brushed nickel faucet may be the same base color, but may not match because they are made by different manufacturers.
We’ll help you navigate all the options and choose the hardware you need to make your project perfect!